7 Haircare Tips That You Can Rely On

7 Haircare Tips That You Can Rely On

We all probably know by now how important a proper hair care routine might be.

We need to have a very healthy and damage-free hair care routine that would not only make your hair look good but also make it stronger and healthier.

While some of us can afford really premium and good quality products but some of us can not. You don’t have to worry about that , The Wellness Shop has got your back, Here are 7 hair care tips that you can follow for healthy, shiny, and strong hair and scalp.


extra virgin coconut oil for hair is the best thing that you can do to your hair. Oil has magical properties which help your hair in retaining moisture and make them shiny and strong. Oil makes the roots stronger .here are some Oils you can use to solve your hair problems:

Coconut oil: This well-established cure has endured for an extremely long period! It chips away at all hair types, is locally accessible and reasonable. It gets rid of dandruff, relaxes the hair, fixes split finishes, and lifts hair development. It likewise shields the hair from losing protein. For best outcomes, utilize additional virgin coconut oil.

Argan oil: Argan oil is non-local to India, yet has been getting up to speed as of late as a power to deal with. Removed from the bits of the Argan tree, found in Morocco, it is loaded with Vitamin E, making it the ideal cream for dry and dreary hair, diminishing frizz.

Castor oil: The oil removed from castor seeds has numerous medical advantages, however is especially useful for hair wellbeing. It is an extraordinary lotion and keeps the scalp from chipping. It additionally diminishes breakage at the roots, by giving sustenance and grease.

Bringhraj: This oil is utilized broadly in Ayurvedic medicines, and in the excellence business.Bringhraj oil can't be utilized without anyone else however works best with a transporter oil. It initiates hair follicles, when rubbed into the hair, and animates hair development.

Tip: Choose a characteristic oil dependent on your need and hair type and back rub well into scalp and hair for ideal hair wellbeing.

2. Rice water

The Chinese town of Huangluo, home to local Red Yao ladies, is in the Guinness Book of Records as the universes longest hair town. The ladies here brag long, shiny and solid hair that is reliably kept up with. The townspeople accept that it is an image of karma, life span, and thriving. So what is the key to their spectacularly kept up with the hair? An old however incredibly basic Chinese cure rice water! This enchanted mixture, utilized as a characteristic cleanser and flush throughout recent centuries, unmistakably does something amazing. Truth be told, ladies generally don’t begin turning gray until they’re right around eighty years of age! Rice water has a huge number of parts with dietary benefits for the hair.

Around 16% of these are proteins, the structure blocks fundamentally for cell wellbeing. Fatty oils and lipids each make up 10% of the rice water creation, while starch (a concentrate actually utilized in Japanese beauty care products), is available at 9%. Carbs, inositol, phytic corrosive, and inorganic substances are different parts in rice water. This is the thing that you get when you heat up a normal small bunch of white rice in two cups of high temp water and strain out the buildup fluid.

Tip: Rice water can be utilized as a cleanser as frequently as you cleanser your hair, or as the last wash, to forestall going bald and turning gray.


An egg cover is maybe one of the most intense solutions for sound hair, and for one excellent explanation, it is the best wellspring of B Vitamins, fundamental for hair wellbeing! Nutrients B1, B2, and B5 are useful for hair adaptability, strength, and general health. Biotin or Vitamin B7 is particularly fundamental for hair development, while folic corrosive can assist with staying away from untimely turning gray. To battle this, eggs make for an impressive effective application.

Utilize both the yolk and the white. The yolk functions as a cream for dry locks and is likewise a superfood because of the large number of supplements. What’s more, it helps hold the hair’s normal sheen because of its saturating benefits. Air out two eggs, and afterward beat its substance well in a bowl. Apply all over hair and scalp and leave on for ten minutes. Flush well and circle back to your standard cleansing balms in india conditioner system. Discover how you can make these veils.


In all honesty, onion juice is loaded with supplements and advantages for hair development and re-development. It keeps the scalp liberated from disease, because of antibacterial and against contagious properties, and furthermore contains sulfur, which keeps hair from becoming fragile and breaking. They likewise contain cell reinforcements, to assist with forestalling hair maturing and in this way turning gray. Assuming that you view the juice as too impactful smelling, then, at that point, you can add a couple of drops of lavender or peppermint fundamental oils to invalidate it.

Tip: Squeeze the juice of three onions and apply all over the scalp and hair to renew sulfur and protein levels. Leave on for five minutes, and afterward wash.


Green tea contains EGCG, a cancer prevention agent which is extraordinary for the soundness of hair follicles and dermal papilla cells, adding to lesser balding and diminishing. Different advantages incorporate the treatment of dandruff and psoriasis. Textured and flaky skin on the scalp can be treated with green tea, which directs the scalps’ protein levels, supported, hydrates, and saturates. You can utilize shampoos with green tea face clean oil, or even back rub a newly blended and cooled cup of green tea onto the hair.

This enchanted fixing is likewise useful for the hair, and when utilized in a conditioner or as a last hair wash, makes your hair milder, smoother, more supported, and lesser inclined to divide closes.

Tip: Green tea is wealthy in cell reinforcements, which helps hair follicle wellbeing, hydrates, and sustains.


The B nutrients found in lager reinforce each strand and brace it. Likewise, the protein found in the malt and bounces fixes harmed hair to the greatest degree, shielding and recharging it from impacts of cruel styling items, contamination, stress, and different elements like PCOD, pregnancy, post-conveyance, etc. Your hair looks sparkly, smooth, and loses its frizz in light of the fact that the supplements fix the fingernail skin.

Tip: Rinse your hair with lager two times per month, to recharge and assemble lost protein levels.


The humble edible amla powder or Indian gooseberry is a marvel food grown from the ground frequently remembered for hair items, hair tonics, and clinical streams. Nutrient C in amala helps produce collagen protein, which supports cell recovery, animates both hair length and volume. Amala contains more than 80% dampness, thus has hydrating properties. It is a characteristic scalp chemical, eliminates microorganisms, and is likewise a cell reinforcement, forestalling hair turning gray and harmful.

Tip: Crush 3-4 amala (gooseberries) in a bowl, and apply the mash with the juice all around the hair and scalp, for ideal advantage.

The Wellness Shop’s mission and vision are to give the consumers a better and much-needed chance to revive and repair their bodily problems and difficulties in the best and organic way possible. The products produced by The Wellness Shop are :

  • Eco-friendly
  • Sulfate and paraben-free
  • Made of organic plant-based extracts
  • No preservatives added
  • Premium quality and
  • Worth the money you pay

The Wellness Shop offers a variety of hair products like :

  • Oils
  • Shampoo and conditioners
  • Hair masks
  • Shampoo bars
  • Organic hair colors and
  • Haircare powders

To know more about these products and complete your purchase, you can visit